[AMBER] cpptraj unable to strip/save topology and trajectory

From: Vaibhav Dixit <vaibhavadixit.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 09:16:30 +0530

Dear All,
I want to strip a ligand from topology and trajectory and save new topology
and traj files.
For this I tried parmed and cpptraj but the trajectories and topology are
not compatible, since the topology still contains the ligand.
When I used parmstrip in cpptraj I get the following errors.
Can you please suggest me sequence of commands where I can load parmtop and
traj files, then strip both and write new files to be used for further
At last I also want to save only protein trajectories without ligand, water
and ions (thus last 4 lines)
thank you and best regards

My current cpptraj input
parm prot-lig_out-solv.prmtop
trajin prot-lig_out-solv-prod.nc
strip :LIG
parmstrip :LIG
parmwrite out prot-nolig_out-solv.prmtop
trajout prot-nolig_out-solv-prod.nc
trajout prot-nolig _out-solv-prod.rst7 onlyframes 1
strip :WAT,Cl-,Na+,K+,LIG
trajout prot-nolig_out-prot.nc
trajout prot-nolig_out-prot.rst7 onlyframes 1

Error with cpptraj input

CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V4.25.6 (AmberTools V20.00)
    ___ ___ ___ ___
     | \/ | \/ | \/ |

| Date/time: 04/07/22 09:05:48
| Available memory: 262.355 GB

INPUT: Reading input from 'prot-lig_out-cpptraj.in'
  [parm prot-lig_out-solv.prmtop]
        Reading ' prot-lig_out-solv.prmtop' as Amber Topology
        Radius Set: modified Bondi radii (mbondi)
  [trajin prot-lig_out-solv-prod.nc]
        Reading ' prot-lig_out-solv-prod.nc' as Amber NetCDF
    AUTOIMAGE: To box center based on center of mass, anchor is first
    CENTER: Centering coordinates using geometric center of atoms in mask
(*) to
        box center.
  [strip :LIG]
    STRIP: Stripping atoms in mask [:LIG]
  [parmstrip :LIG]
Error: Topology ' prot-lig_out-solv.prmtop' has already been used to set up
trajectory ' prot-lig_out-solv-prod.nc'.
Error: To strip this topology use the 'strip' action.
        1 errors encountered reading input.
TIME: Total execution time: 0.4632 seconds.
Error: Error(s) occurred during execution.


Dr. Vaibhav A. Dixit,

Asst. Prof., Department of Medicinal Chemistry,

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Guwahati
(NIPER-G), Sila Katamur (Halugurisuk), P.O.: Changsari, Dist: Kamrup, Pin:
781101, Assam, India

Mob. No. +91-7709129400,
Email: vaibhav.niperguwahati.in; vaibhavadixit.gmail.com

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4015-2941

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