Re: [AMBER] Bug in internal energy when idecomp is 3 or 4

From: Tue Boesen <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:24:17 -0800

Hi Jason,

Thank you for the reply!

I have attached to this folder, this contains a pdb and prmtop
file, and the command that I have run these files with in order to get the
output. Furthermore there are two folders in the zip file, pairwise and
per_residue, which contains the input configuration file for both runs
(they are identical except for idecomp = 2 or 4), and the output files.

The FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat for both pairwise and per_residue contains
identical output results:

Energy Component Average Std. Dev. Std. Err. of
BOND 4.9069 0.0000
ANGLE 39.7646 0.0000
DIHED 363.0338 0.0000
VDWAALS 638.2793 0.0000
EEL -2049.8394 0.0000
1-4 VDW 149.2980 0.0000
1-4 EEL 1873.3509 0.0000
EGB -426.9272 0.0000
ESURF 15.0242 0.0000

G gas 1018.7941 0.0000
G solv -411.9030 0.0000

TOTAL 606.8911 0.0000

*For the per_residue case:*
energy.csv contains the energy decomposition per residue, with lines
looking like this:
Generalized Born Decomposition Energies

Total Energy Decomposition:
Frame #,Residue,Internal,van der Waals,Electrostatic,Polar
Solvation,Non-Polar Solv.,TOTAL
In this case we have various energy components: Internal, van der Waals,
Electrostatic, Polar solvation, Non-Polar Solv, and finally TOTAL, which is
just the sum of all the others.
If I sum up TOTAL for all residues in this case, I get 606.8911 which
matches the total in FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat
Similarly I can do this with all the other components:

   - internal energy = BOND+ANGLE+DIHED
   - van der Waals = VDWAALS+1-4 VDW
   - Electrostatic = EEL + 1-4 EEL
   - Polar solvation = EGB
   - Non-Polar Solv = ESURF

*For the pairwise case:*
energy.csv contains the energy decomposition per pairwise residues, with
lines looking like this:
Generalized Born Decomposition Energies

Total Energy Decomposition:
Frame #,Resid 1,Resid 2,Internal,van der Waals,Electrostatic,Polar
Solvation,Non-Polar Solv.,TOTAL
In this case we have the same energy components, but the internal energy is
now 0 at all points.
If I take the van der Waals energy component in this file. I can sum up all
the contributions where Resid 1 = 1. If I do this, I get exactly the van
der Waals energy for residue 1 in the per_residue case, and similarly this
means that if I sum up all van der Waals components for all residue pairs,
I get the VDWAALS energy in the FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat
Similarly for electrostatic, Polar solvation, and non-polar solvation.
However for the internal energy I of course do not get this, since all
components are zero in the pairwise case.
And similar problems arise for the total energy, since this is just a sum
of all the previous components.

Hence when I sum the total energy in the energy.csv file for pairwise
residues I get a different energy than the total energy in
FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat, since I am missing the internal energy.

I hope that explained the problem better for completeness sake I include
the following python script that can read in the energy components from the
csv files to make comparisons easier:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def read_mmpbsa_results(file_energy):
    This script reads the enregydeo.csv files produced by mmpbsa in ambertools.
    with open(file_energy, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()[4:]
    internal = []
    vdw = []
    eel = []
    egb = []
    esurf = []
    total = []
    for line in lines:
        dat = line.strip("\n").split(',')
        if len(dat) < 8:
    internal = np.asarray(internal)
    vdw = np.asarray(vdw)
    eel = np.asarray(eel)
    egb = np.asarray(egb)
    esurf = np.asarray(esurf)
    total = np.asarray(total)
    return internal, vdw, eel, egb, esurf, total

def read_mmpbsa_results_pair(file_energy):
    This script reads the enregydeo.csv files produced by mmpbsa in ambertools.
    with open(file_energy, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()[4:]
    internal = []
    vdw = []
    eel = []
    egb = []
    esurf = []
    total = []
    nres = 0
    for line in lines:
        dat = line.strip("\n").split(',')
        if len(dat) < 8:
        nres = max(nres, int(dat[1]))
    internal = np.asarray(internal).reshape(nres,nres)
    vdw = np.asarray(vdw).reshape(nres,nres)
    eel = np.asarray(eel).reshape(nres,nres)
    egb = np.asarray(egb).reshape(nres,nres)
    esurf = np.asarray(esurf).reshape(nres,nres)
    total = np.asarray(total).reshape(nres,nres)
    return internal, vdw, eel, egb, esurf, total

file_per_residue = '/home/tue/test/energy.csv'
file_pairwise = '/home/tue/test/1/energy.csv'
# Eall_pair,Eside_pair,Eback_pair = read_mmpbsa_results_pair(file_pairwise)
internal1, vdw1, eel1, egb1, esurf1, total1 =
internal, vdw, eel, egb, esurf, total = read_mmpbsa_results(file_per_residue)

# plt.imshow(np.log(np.abs(total1)+1e-9))
# plt.colorbar()


internal1_sum = np.sum(internal1,axis=1)
vdw1_sum = np.sum(vdw1,axis=1)
eel1_sum = np.sum(eel1,axis=1)
egb1_sum = np.sum(egb1,axis=1)
esurf1_sum = np.sum(esurf1,axis=1)
total1_sum = np.sum(total1,axis=1)

np.abs(internal - internal1_sum) < 0.001
np.abs(vdw - vdw1_sum) < 0.001
np.abs(eel - eel1_sum) < 0.001
np.abs(egb - egb1_sum) < 0.001
np.abs(esurf - esurf1_sum) < 0.001
np.abs(total - total1_sum) < 0.001

Kind regards

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 7:19 AM Jason Swails <> wrote:

> Hi Tue,
> The decomposition code has not changed in years.
> It's unclear to me exactly what you're observing (which is why sending
> actual output/files is so helpful). Examples of the questions I have are
> posted in-line
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 9:47 PM Tue Boesen <> wrote:
> > I believe there is a bug when running mmpbsa with idecomp setup for
> > pairwise energies (idecomp=3 or idecomp=4).
> >
> > In this mode the internal energies are reported at zero, while all other
> > energies are given with reasonable values that add up to their total
> value
> > and matches the results you would get if you ran it with idecomp=1-2 (per
> > residue).
> >
> What values are you looking at? The complex/receptor/ligand, or the
> binding totals (that is, the difference between the bound and free
> states)? All of them?
> For instance, the internal terms *should* always be zero for total binding
> terms in a single-trajectory protocol, since the bonded geometries are
> identical in the bound and unbound states. They are also likely to be very
> close to zero in the residue-pairwise decomposition, since only those terms
> that bridge two residues would actually contribute to this term, and if
> they are close to equilibrium values the total energies will not be very
> large.
> I also don't understand what you mean by "matches the results you would get
> if you ran it with idecomp=1,2". These compute fundamentally different
> quantities, so the numbers should be quite different. The Amber force
> field potential is not pairwise decomposable, so idecomp=3,4 are only
> approximations, anyway.
> The error appears in both the csv, and final decomposition output and means
> > that the energies do not add up as they are supposed to. The energies in
> > FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA, still include the summed total of the internal
> > energies, and give identical results as when ran with idecomp=1-2.
> >
> How do you expect the terms to add up? This is where actual output files
> and precise descriptions help.
> Good luck,
> Jason
> --
> Jason M. Swails
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