On Thu, Feb 03, 2022, Rakesh Srivastava wrote:
>When I run 3drism calculation it gives following error:
>addstrand: strand A already in mol
First, can you say exactly what you did to "run 3drism calculation"?
The "strand ID" is the same as what is usually called the "chain ID" in PDB
parlance. I'm guessing(!) that you are using a PDB file that has uses the
same chainID ("A") for different chains (aka strands). If so, you just need
to make your chainID's unique. (ChainIDs are in column 22 in a PDB file,
and a new chain is initiated when a new ChainID is found, or when a TER card
is encountered.)
If my guess is wrong, we need more information: what commands you used,
and any input PDB files that might be input.
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Received on Thu Feb 03 2022 - 10:30:02 PST