Dear Amber experts,
While going thru some of the AMBER tutorials on the official website, and reading into the LIE method (, it seems that LIE is actually direct calculation of binding energy in explicit solvent, is this correct?
If so, what is the essential difference, or advantage/disadvantage between LIE and this other tutorial method, Host-Guest in Explicit Water Example ( I always read that explicit solvent energies are very hard to converge and would require long runs. The Host-Guest method in Explicit Water I had also tried as part of my research. The one difference I notice is that LIE considers only van der waals and electrostatic energies only, while the Host-Guest tutorial methods considers the total potential energy. But then again, did LIE overcome the explicit solvent energy convergence problem, like it wasn't much of a problem at all?
Thank there.
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Received on Thu Sep 23 2021 - 13:00:02 PDT