[AMBER] Lipid21

From: Alyemni, Saleh <saleh.alyemni.19.ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 06:40:10 +0000


I'm trying to build a lipid bilayer membrane system using packmol-memgen, and one of the lipids is the sphingomyelin PSM, but whenever I try to build it I get this warning:

Lipid21 was not found in AMBERHOME. Falling back to lipid17!
09/15/2021 02:44:15 PM:WARNING:
WARNING:LIPID17 doesn't currently support sphingomyelin! AMBER parametrization will be disabled.
09/15/2021 02:44:16 PM:INFO:

Is there a way to get the new forcefield lipid21 or is it still to be released, because I couldn't find it on the amber website? and if not is there any other way that I could do it.


Saleh AlYemni

PhD Candidate, UCL School of Pharmacy
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Received on Thu Sep 16 2021 - 00:00:02 PDT
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