[AMBER] Problem with AMBER20 aMD tutorial

From: Michael Shokhen <michael.shokhen.biu.ac.il>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 12:33:08 +0000

Dear AMBER experts,

Following the AMBER 20 tutorial “6.3 Using Accelerated Molecular Dynamics (aMD) to enhance sampling” I have conducted production MD simulation of my protein. Unfortunately, I have faced problems attempting to analyze the MD simulation results by the cpptraj input file presented in the chapter 3) Analyzing the aMD results
of the tutorial.

The tutorial used to produce the PCA vectors from the aMD trajectory and further project this trajectories onto the produced PCA vectors.

I have adopted the original cpptraj input to the number of residues 748 in my protein.
It seems that the cpptraj input file in the tutorial contains obsolete commands.

See Warning reports in the OUT file below.

I need your help to resolve the problem.

Thank you,


The command line to run the aMD_post_process_ptraj.in file through cpptraj is the following:

cpptraj < aMD_post_process_ptraj.in > aMD_post_process_ptraj.out


parm ../mc.prmtop

trajin ../7_/md_prod_amd0.mdcrd 1 last 1

reference ../6_/eq.rst

center origin :1-748

image origin center

strip :WAT,Cl-,Na+

rms reference mass :1-748.CA,C,N out aMD_0_RMSD.out

matrix covar name matrixdat .CA out covmat-ca.dat

analyze matrix matrixdat out evecs-ca.dat vecs 2244

analyze matrix matrixdat name evecs-ca vecs 2244

analyze modes fluct out analyzemodesflu.dat stack evecs-ca beg 1 end 2244

analyze modes displ out analyzemodesdis.dat stack evecs-ca beg 1 end 2244

projection modes evecs-ca.dat out pca12-ca beg 1 end 3 .CA



CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V4.25.6 (AmberTools V20.11)

    ___ ___ ___ ___

     | \/ | \/ | \/ |


| Date/time: 09/15/21 15:20:08

| Available memory: 2.005 GB

INPUT: Reading input from 'STDIN'

  [parm ../mc.prmtop]

   Reading '../mc.prmtop' as Amber Topology

   Radius Set: modified Bondi radii (mbondi)

  [trajin ../7_/md_prod_amd0.mdcrd 1 last 1]

   Reading '../7_/md_prod_amd0.mdcrd' as Amber NetCDF

  [reference ../6_/eq.rst]

   Reading '../6_/eq.rst' as Amber NC Restart

   Setting active reference for distance-based masks: 'eq.rst'

  [center origin :1-748]

    CENTER: Centering coordinates using geometric center of atoms in mask (:1-748) to

   coordinate origin.

  [image origin center]

    IMAGE: By molecule to origin based on center of mass using all atoms

  [strip :WAT,Cl-,Na+]

    STRIP: Stripping atoms in mask [:WAT,Cl-,Na+]

  [rms reference mass :1-748.CA,C,N out aMD_0_RMSD.out]

    RMSD: (:1-748.CA,C,N), reference is "default_name" (:1-748.CA,C,N), mass-weighted.

   Best-fit RMSD will be calculated, coords will be rotated and translated.

  [matrix covar name matrixdat .CA out covmat-ca.dat]

    MATRIX: Calculating covariance matrix, output is by atom.

   Printing to file covmat-ca.dat

   Matrix data set is 'matrixdat'

   Start: 1 Stop: Final frame

   Mask1 is '.CA'

  [analyze matrix matrixdat out evecs-ca.dat vecs 2244]

Warning: The 'analyze' prefix is no longer necessary and may be soon deprecated.

Warning: NOTE: 'analyze matrix' is now 'diagmatrix'.

   Changed DataFile 'evecs-ca.dat' type to Evecs file for set Modes_00004

    DIAGMATRIX: Diagonalizing matrix matrixdat and writing modes to evecs-ca.dat

   Calculating 2244 eigenvectors.

   Storing modes with name: Modes_00004

  [analyze matrix matrixdat name evecs-ca vecs 2244]

Warning: The 'analyze' prefix is no longer necessary and may be soon deprecated.

Warning: NOTE: 'analyze matrix' is now 'diagmatrix'.

    DIAGMATRIX: Diagonalizing matrix matrixdat

   Calculating 2244 eigenvectors.

   Storing modes with name: evecs-ca

  [analyze modes fluct out analyzemodesflu.dat stack evecs-ca beg 1 end 2244]

Warning: The 'analyze' prefix is no longer necessary and may be soon deprecated.

Warning: To add an analysis command the the queue, only the command name needs

Warning: to be specified, e.g. 'modes <args>'.

Warning: Argument 'stack' is deprecated, use 'name <modes>' instead.

    ANALYZE MODES: Calculating rms fluctuations using modes from evecs-ca, modes 1 to 2244

   Results are written to 'analyzemodesflu.dat'

   Boltzmann statistics used.

   Eigenvectors associated with zero or negative eigenvalues will be skipped.

  [analyze modes displ out analyzemodesdis.dat stack evecs-ca beg 1 end 2244]

Warning: The 'analyze' prefix is no longer necessary and may be soon deprecated.

Warning: To add an analysis command the the queue, only the command name needs

Warning: to be specified, e.g. 'modes <args>'.

Warning: Argument 'stack' is deprecated, use 'name <modes>' instead.

    ANALYZE MODES: Calculating displacements using modes from evecs-ca, modes 1 to 2244

   Results are written to 'analyzemodesdis.dat'

   Boltzmann statistics used.

   Eigenvectors associated with zero or negative eigenvalues will be skipped.

   Factor for displacement: 1.000000

  [projection modes evecs-ca.dat out pca12-ca beg 1 end 3 .CA]

Warning: Set 'RMSD_00002' contains no data.

Warning: File 'aMD_0_RMSD.out' has no sets containing data.

Warning: Set 'matrixdat' contains no data.

Warning: File 'covmat-ca.dat' has no sets containing data.

Warning: Set 'Modes_00004' contains no data.

Warning: File 'evecs-ca.dat' has no sets containing data.

Warning: Set 'FLUCT_00006[rmsX]' contains no data.

Warning: Set 'FLUCT_00006[rmsY]' contains no data.

Warning: Set 'FLUCT_00006[rmsZ]' contains no data.

Warning: Set 'FLUCT_00006[rms]' contains no data.

Warning: File 'analyzemodesflu.dat' has no sets containing data.

Warning: Set 'DISPL_00010[displX]' contains no data.

Warning: Set 'DISPL_00010[displY]' contains no data.

Warning: Set 'DISPL_00010[displZ]' contains no data.

Warning: File 'analyzemodesdis.dat' has no sets containing data.

TIME: Total execution time: 0.4572 seconds.

Michael Shokhen, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Bar Ilan University,
Ramat Gan, 52900
email: shokhen.mail.biu.ac.il<https://webmail.biu.ac.il/owa/redir.aspx?C=a160ef9b9a6b4d06992402715d3ee465&URL=mailto%3ashokhen%40mail.biu.ac.il>
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Received on Wed Sep 15 2021 - 06:00:02 PDT
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