Today I'm trying to install Amber20 and AmberTools21 on my laptop.
The Laptop operating system is Ubuntu 20.04
I've been succes to compile using cmake, but after make installed at the
end of the installation there is an error:
-- Fixing Miniconda script shebangs
CMake Error at
file failed to open for reading (No such file or directory):
Then I tried to check amber.pip ini folder amber20/bin. It was red. I think
it indicates there is a problem with the link.
Then I check the folder folder ini amber20/miniconda/bin, to see the pip
program, and there are no pip programs.
Could you give me some solutions to this error ?
Thank you
Setyanto Tri W.
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Aug 09 2021 - 00:00:02 PDT