[AMBER] Chloride ion atom type issue in tleap

From: Aliakbartehrani Zahra <Zahra.Aliakbartehrani.ibt.cas.cz>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2021 06:48:38 +0000

Hi all,

I would like to prepare. prmtop and. inpcrd for my ligand-Metalloprotein complex (protein + ligand+ 2*Zn/Cl/Ca ions). I have prepared .lib files for Zn2+ and Ca2+ as explained (https://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial20/nonbonded_model.php) by AMBER-14. I tried loading the atomic_ions.lib and different combinations of amber residue name and corresponding atom type for a chloride ion (CL/Cl-, Cl-/ Cl- and so on) in the pdb input file, but that doesn't seem to work and still there is an issue for reading chloride ion:

FATAL: Atom .R<Cl- 700>.A<CL 2> does not have a type.

Can anyone help me with this?

I appreciate any help/suggestion


#### load the AMBER force fields

source leaprc.ff14SB

source leaprc.gaff

source leaprc.water.tip3p

loadoff /home/zahratehrani7/atomic_zinc.lib

loadoff /home/zahratehrani7/atomic_cal.lib

loadoff atomic_ions.lib

NEW_parm = loadamberparams lig-WithH.parm

loadamberprep lig-WithH.prep

mol = loadpdb xray_prep.pdb

check mol

savepdb mol 02_complex.pdb #Save the pdb file

saveamberparm mol 02_complex.prmtop 02_complex.inpcrd



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Received on Sun Aug 01 2021 - 00:00:02 PDT
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