#Load topologyy files parm ../../../01_6DDE_BU72/rep1/01_6DDE_BU72_nowater.prmtop [BU72] parm ../02_6DDE_BU72_PAM_nowater.prmtop [BU72_PAM] #Load trajectories, focus on the first 100 ns (with 100,000 frames) trajin ../../../01_6DDE_BU72/rep1/01_6DDE_BU72_nowater.dcd 1 100000 parm [BU72] trajin ../02_6DDE_BU72_PAM_nowater.dcd 1 100000 parm [BU72_PAM] #fit with muOR residues, exclude non-muOR residues #I will use all non-H atoms rms first :972-1252&!@H= #create average structure average crdset muOR-average createcrd muOR-trajectories run crdaction muOR-trajectories rms ref muOR-average :972-1252&!@H= #Calculate coordinate covariance matrix crdaction muOR-trajectories matrix covar name muOR-covar :972-1252&!@H= ## ###Diagonalize coordinate covariance matrix ###Get first 3 eigenvectors ## runanalysis diagmatrix muOR-covar out muOR-evecs.dat vecs 3 name myEvecs nmwiz nmwizvecs 3 nmwizfile muOR.nmd nmwizmask :972-1252&!@H= ## #Create separate projections for each set of trajectories crdaction muOR-trajectories projection bu72 modes myEvecs beg 1 end 3 :972-1252&!@H= crdframes 1,100000 crdaction muOR-trajectories projection bu72_pam modes myEvecs beg 1 end 3 :972-1252&!@H= crdframes 100001,last ## ###Create normalized histogram of the 3 calculated projections ## hist bu72:1 bins 100 out bu72-hist.agr norm name bu72-1 hist bu72:2 bins 100 out bu72-hist.agr norm name bu72-2 hist bu72:3 bins 100 out bu72-hist.agr norm name bu72-3 ## hist bu72_pam:1 bins 100 out bu72-pam-hist.agr norm name bu72-pam-1 hist bu72_pam:2 bins 100 out bu72-pam-hist.agr norm name bu72-pam-2 hist bu72_pam:3 bins 100 out bu72-pam-hist.agr norm name bu72-pam-3 run clear all readdata muOR-evecs.dat name Evecs parm ../../../01_6DDE_BU72/rep1/01_6DDE_BU72_nowater.prmtop parmstrip !(:972-1252&!@H=) parmwrite out muOR-modes.prmtop #Create NetCDF trajectory file with PC 1 runanalysis mode name Evecs trajout muOR-mode1.nc pcmin -100 pcmax 100 tmode 1 trajout :972-1252&!@H= trajout netcdf