On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 3:54 PM Daniel Konstantinovsky
<daniel.konstantinovsky.yale.edu> wrote:
> I need accurate velocities to calculate correlation functions. I was
> wondering if the velocities written by sander and pmemd take periodic
> boundary conditions into account. For example, if a molecule jumps from one
> end of the box to the other end because of PBC over an MD step, does the
> corresponding velocity include the artifact of jumping across the box in
> one step or is that excluded? In other words, does the velocity trajectory
> include ridiculously large velocities due to wrapping? If yes, is there a
No. Coordinate wrapping (from iwrap=1) only affects the coordinates
that are written to trajectory/restart files. Internally, the
coordinates are not modified. So iwrap does not affect velocities (or
forces). If you see otherwise, definitely let us know, that would be a
> way to turn that off?
> Thank you!
> Daniel Konstantinovsky
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Received on Tue Jul 20 2021 - 09:00:02 PDT