[AMBER] MMPBSA.py error with "Error occured on rank 1"

From: Mohamed M. Aboelnga <mohamedm.aboelnga.mail.concordia.ca>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 14:34:02 +0000


I am running MMPBSA calculation to determine the binding energy of two proteins. When I consider only the GB energy without the PB values in the input file it worked without any error and provided me with a list of binding energies.
 However, once I consider the PB in my calculation together with GP it fails with the error "Error occurred on rank 1". I would be grateful for any suggestions to troubleshoot this error.

Here is the .in file for the GB calculation that worked:

receptor_mask=:1-627, ligand_mask=:628-866, startframe=1000, endframe=1050,
interval=1, verbose=2, keep_files=0,
igb=8, saltcon=0.15,

And below is the input file for both GP and PB energy calculations that is usually fails for the mentioned error:
receptor_mask=:1-627, ligand_mask=:628-866, startframe=1000, endframe=1050,
interval=1, verbose=2, keep_files=0,
igb=8, saltcon=0.15,

I also tried without idecomp but was not successful either.


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Received on Wed Jul 14 2021 - 08:00:03 PDT
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