Re: [AMBER] Scripting

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 08:17:21 -0400

it's hard to give detailed suggestions without knowing more about how you
submit or run your jobs, but when I have multiple steps to run one after
another I list them in a script and then run the script or submit it to our
job queue. The script can look something like this example:

# step 1: Minimize using the pmemd program (this is the CPU version).
pmemd -O \
 -i ./ \
 -p ./tc5b.1l2y.hmass.parm7 \
 -c ./tc5b.1l2y.rst7 \
 -o ./min.out \
 -x ./min.crd \
 -inf ./ \
 -r ./min.rst7

# step 2: slowly heat the system, with restraints on the protein
backbone to keep it from moving too far.
# use pmemd.cuda, which uses a GPU
pmemd.cuda -O \
 -i ./ \
 -p ./tc5b.1l2y.hmass.parm7 \
 -c ./min.rst7 \
 -ref ./min.rst7 \
 -o ./heat.out \
 -x ./heat.crd \
 -inf ./ \
 -r ./heat.rst7

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 8:13 AM ankita mehta <> wrote:

> *Hello all,*
> *I am running simulation runs in a loop.*
> *In which I want next simulation to run only when my previous run has
> completed .*
> *What is the way out for this?*
> *Thanks!*
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Received on Thu Jul 08 2021 - 05:30:03 PDT
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