I am following the tutorial 1.7: An Amber Lipid Force Field Tutorial: Lipid14 (https://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial16/index.php). I use the vmd_box_dims.sh script to estimate the DOPC bilayer dimension as "68.08300018310547, 68.05400085449219, 79.50899887084961", which is different from the value presented on the web site. Should I concern it?
P.S: I am using Amber 18. And I have used charmmlipid2amber.csv at the previous step which is located in "AMBERHOME/dat/charmmlipid2amber/", since I did not find such file in the directory suggested by the tutorial.
Best regard,
Wang Wei
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Received on Tue Jul 06 2021 - 03:30:02 PDT