Re: [AMBER] cpptraj align using the same numbering

From: Daniel Roe <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 09:23:08 -0400


On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 8:55 AM David A Case <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2021, Martin Rosellen wrote:
> >
> >I run a simulation of a hexamer and want to calculate RMSD values of
> >hairpins found in each monomer. For that I want to align the protein
> >body. When I aligned the first two frames in Chimera,
> You don't say what command you used to do the alignment in Chimera, or, for
> that matter, what commands you using in cpptraj. The latter would not place
> monomer 3 on top of monomer 1 unless you had some specific arguments that
> requested that.

As Dave said, it would be best to post the actual input you tried, and
if you didn't get the result you expected something we (I) could use
to reproduce the issue (topology, coords, input, etc).

> [Aside-- Dan, the description of the 'align' command in the manual is
> circular: it just says that the 'align' command "aligns the structure". What
> is the difference between this and 'rms'?]

The 'align' command is just a bare-bones implementation of best-fit
'rms' without creating a data set or any other functionality like
per-residue rms calc. etc. Guess I should be more clear in the manual
(boy if I had a nickel for every time I said that...).


> .....dac
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