#!/bin/csh # # Generated by CHARMM-GUI (http://www.charmm-gui.org) v3.2.2 # # All input files were optimized for AMBER16 or above, so lower version of AMBER can cause some errors. # In this script, the parallel (MPI) version is commented out. Use this line for parallel execution instead # (adjust for your MPI and the number of CPUs you want to use). Alternatively, if you have access to # pmemd.cuda or are willing to use sander, you can replace "pmemd" with pmemd.cuda or sander and "pmemd.MPI" # with pmemd.cuda.MPI or sander.MPI # # There is a known issue in current CHARMM-GUI AMBER inputs with "sander". # If you are willing to use "sander" for your simulation, please remove "&end" line in all minimization / equilibration # inputs. set amber = pmemd # set amber = "mpirun -np 4 pmemd.MPI" set init = step5_input set mini_prefix = step6.0_minimization set equi_prefix = step6.%d_equilibration set prod_prefix = step7_production set prod_step = step7 # Minimization # In the case that there is a problem during minimization using a pmemd.cuda, please try to use pmemd only for # the minimization step. if (-e dihe.restraint) sed -e "s/FC/250.0/g" dihe.restraint > ${mini_prefix}.rest pmemd -O -i ${mini_prefix}.mdin -p ${init}.parm7 -c ${init}.rst7 -o ${mini_prefix}.mdout -r ${mini_prefix}.rst7 -inf ${mini_prefix}.mdinfo -ref ${init}.rst7 # Equilibration set cnt = 1 set cntmax = 6 set fc = {'250.0','100.0','50.0','50.0','25.0'} while ( ${cnt} <= ${cntmax} ) @ pcnt = ${cnt} - 1 set istep = `printf ${equi_prefix} ${cnt}` set pstep = `printf ${equi_prefix} ${pcnt}` if ( ${cnt} == 1 ) set pstep = ${mini_prefix} if (-e dihe.restraint && ${cnt} < ${cntmax}) sed -e "s/FC/${fc[${cnt}]}/g" dihe.restraint > ${istep}.rest ${amber} -O -i ${istep}.mdin -p ${init}.parm7 -c ${pstep}.rst7 -o ${istep}.mdout -r ${istep}.rst7 -inf ${istep}.mdinfo -ref ${init}.rst7 -x ${istep}.nc @ cnt += 1 end # Production set cnt = 1 set cntmax = 10 while ( ${cnt} <= ${cntmax} ) @ pcnt = ${cnt} - 1 set istep = ${prod_step}_${cnt} set pstep = ${prod_step}_${pcnt} if ( ${cnt} == 1 ) set pstep = `printf ${equi_prefix} 6` ${amber} -O -i ${prod_prefix}.mdin -p ${init}.parm7 -c ${pstep}.rst7 -o ${istep}.mdout -r ${istep}.rst7 -inf ${istep}.mdinfo -x ${istep}.nc @ cnt += 1 end