Re: [AMBER] Error when compiling AMBER20

From: David A Case <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 08:13:29 -0500

On Mon, Mar 08, 2021, wrote:

>I tried to compile AMBER20 in a cluster with CentOS 7 installed.
>The configuration went smoothly.
>When I tried to compile AMBER20 in serial mode, I got errors from metatwist.cpp as following:
>All patches have been installed. Package boost169, boost169-iostreams,
>zlib-devel are also installed. Any clue of that?

Can you try the cmake build to see if that happens. It would also be
helpful to know what version of gcc you are using.

If you still see metatwist errors, add the following to your run_cmake


I'm a fish out of water here, but the above seems like it's worth a try.


p.s.: simpler workaround, avoiding cmake, etc: just set MOFT=no at the
bottom of your $AMBERHOME/config.h file.

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Received on Mon Mar 08 2021 - 05:30:03 PST
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