[AMBER] Error: Failed to generate parameters

From: Jatin Kashyap <jk435.njit.edu>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 12:57:17 -0400

Dear AMBER Community,

I am new to biological simulations. Can anybody please help me to understand why I am getting below error, and how to solve it.
Thank you.

> complex = loadpdb complex_H.pdb
Loading PDB file: ./complex_H.pdb
-- residue 835: duplicate [ C] atoms (total 18)
-- residue 835: duplicate [ N] atoms (total 3)

Warning: Atom names in each residue should be unique.
     (Same-name atoms are handled by using the first
      occurrence and by ignoring the rest.
      Frequently duplicate atom names stem from alternate
      conformations in the PDB file.)

Created a new atom named: CL within residue: .R<UNL 835>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C1 5>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C8 12>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<Cl 23>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C2 6>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C4 8>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C3 7>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<N1 2>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C7 11>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C5 9>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C6 10>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C17 21>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C16 20>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<N2 3>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C13 17>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C14 18>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C12 16>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C15 19>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C11 15>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C9 13>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<UNL 835>.A<C10 14>
  total atoms in file: 13242
  Leap added 45 missing atoms according to residue templates:
       20 Heavy
       25 H / lone pairs
  The file contained 1 atoms not in residue templates
> saveamberparm complex complex_H.prmtop complex_H.rst7
Checking Unit.

Warning: The unperturbed charge of the unit (-8.001000) is not zero.
FATAL: Atom .R<UNL 835>.A<CL 24> does not have a type.

Error: Failed to generate parameters

Warning: Parameter file was not saved.

Jatin Kashyap
Ph.D. Student
Dr. Dibakar Datta Group
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102-1982
Phone- (201)889-5783
Email- jk435.njit.edu

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Received on Thu Oct 01 2020 - 10:00:04 PDT
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