Re: [AMBER] Amber installation error

From: David A Case <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 12:25:54 -0400

On Thu, Jun 13, 2019, Nisha Amarnath Jonniya wrote:
>While installing Amber18 and AmberTools19, everything was fine up to make
>install. Then while running 'make test' I got the following error message.
>Summary of AmberTools serial tests:
>cat: ../logs/test_at_serial/at_summary: No such file or directory
>Makefile:68: recipe for target 'test.serial' failed
>make: *** [test.serial] Error 1

I've not seen this before. Look in $AMBERHOME/logs/test_at_serial and
see what files are there: is there a .log and .diff file?

If it's not clear what has happened, you may have to do this:

  run test | tee ~/Ambertests.log

This will create a log file in your home directory. See if the Amber
tests are being run, and/or post at least part of that log file to the
mailing list.

[Explanation: right now, I can't tell if the AmberTools tests somehow
didn't get run, or if the summary or other log file got lost somehow.
As I said, I don't recall anyone reporting a error like this before.]

...good luck...dac

AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jun 13 2019 - 09:30:03 PDT
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