[AMBER] Atom type for fluorine atom in glycam force field -reg.

From: Jeyaram R A <ra.jeyaram.vit.ac.in>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:39:49 +0000

Dear All,

        I want to generate the parameter file for fluorine substituted sialic acid at any hydroxyls like O2, O4, O7, O8 and O9 positions by using glycam force field. Here I attach the pdb file contains the coordinates sialic acid (fluorine substituted at O9 hydroxyl). What is the command for atom type of fluorine. In tleap i got on error as FATAL: Atom .R<0SA 387>.A<F9 38> does not have a type. Thanks in advance.

With Regards,

R. A. Jeyaram

Research Scholar

School of Advanced Sciences

Vellore Institute of Technology

Tamil Nadu, India.

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Received on Tue Jun 11 2019 - 06:00:03 PDT
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