[AMBER] Convergence issues in QM/MM simulations involving charge separation

From: Anthony Bogetti <anthony.bogetti.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 10:29:01 -0400


I'm looking to set up a simulation system that contains two charged
molecules separated by some distance (20 Angstroms). I have solvated the
system and tried to minimize using DFTB but I get a convergence error at
every step. I have created some test systems, one being a methane-methane
system and found that the distance isn't the issue (as the methane-methane
had no problems). I believe it has something to do with the charge
separation. I've tried having a separation of charges treated quantum
mechanically (methanol anion and methane cation) at distances ranging from
5 A to 20 A and still see the same issue.

Here is the specific error:
 274 4. RESULTS
 278 QMMM SCC-DFTB: !!!! ============= WARNING ============= !!!!
 279 QMMM SCC-DFTB: Convergence could not be achieved in this step.
 280 QMMM SCC-DFTB: The calculation will continue, but energies and
 281 QMMM SCC-DFTB: forces for this step will not be accurate.
 285 1 -7.7599E+04 1.5387E+01 8.7924E+01 C
 287 BOND = 0.0000 ANGLE = 0.0000 DIHED =
 288 VDWAALS = 9091.9499 EEL = -86664.7073 HBOND =
 289 1-4 VDW = 0.0000 1-4 EEL = 0.0000 RESTRAINT =
 290 DFTBESCF= -25.9372
 292 QMMM SCC-DFTB: !!!! ============= WARNING ============= !!!!
 293 QMMM SCC-DFTB: Convergence could not be achieved in this step.
 294 QMMM SCC-DFTB: The calculation will continue, but energies and
 295 QMMM SCC-DFTB: forces for this step will not be accurate.

I've played around with the max number of iterations, convergence criteria
etc. I also tried other levels of QM theory in Amber and I get the same
result each time.

I am able to perform single point energy calculations on these systems just
fine in Orca (I tried it just to see).

Am I doing anything obviously wrong here? How should I be treating this

My starting topology and coordinate files are fine. I prepared the QM
region with dummy charges from antechamber and solvated in leap.

Here is my input for the minimization. I should also mention that even
when I minimize treating the system with MM and then try to equilibrate I
get the same error, so this issue is not limited to minimizations.

Restrained minimization without SHAKE
  imin = 1,
  irest = 0,
  ntx = 1,
  ntmin = 1,
  maxcyc = 1000,
  ncyc = 500,
  ntr = 1,
  restraint_wt = 1.0,
  restraintmask = ':1-2',
  ntb = 1,
  ntf = 1,
  ntc = 1,
  cut = 10.0,
  ntpr = 1,
  ntxo = 2,
  ntwr = 1,
  ioutfm = 1,
  ntwx = 1,
  iwrap = 1,
  ifqnt = 1
  qmmask = ':1-2',
  qmcharge = 0,
  qm_theory = 'dftb'
  qmshake = 1,
  qm_ewald = 1,
  qm_pme = 1,
  scfconv = 1.0d-9,
  tight_p_conv = 0
  itrmax = 1000

My overall system charge is zero.

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Received on Tue Jun 04 2019 - 07:30:03 PDT
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