parm ATGonium__dry13.prmtop parm ATGonium_dry13.prmtop trajin ATGonium_dry13.ann.traj cluster C0 dbscan minpoints 25 epsilon 0.9 sievetoframe rms :1-10 sieve 10 out cnumvtime.dat summary summary.dat info info.dat cpopvtime cpopvtime.agr normframe repout rep repfmt pdb singlerepout singlerepfmt netcdf avgout Avg avgfmt restart run > parm ATGonium_dry13.prmtop Reading 'ATGonium_dry13.prmtop' as Amber Topology Radius Set: modified Bondi radii (mbondi) > trajin ATGonium_dry13.ann.traj Reading 'ATGonium_dry13.ann.traj' as Amber Trajectory > cluster C0 \ dbscan minpoints 25 epsilon 0.9 sievetoframe \ rms :1-10 \ sieve 10 \ out cnumvtime.dat \ summary summary.dat \ info info.dat \ cpopvtime cpopvtime.agr normframe \ repout rep repfmt pdb \ singlerepout singlerepfmt netcdf \ avgout Avg avgfmt restart CLUSTER: Using coords dataset _DEFAULTCRD_, clustering using RMSD (mask [:1-10]) best-fit DBSCAN: Minimum pts to form cluster= 25 Cluster distance criterion= 0.900 Sieved frames will only be added back if they are within 0.900 of a frame in an existing cluster. (This option is more accurate and will identify sieved frames as noise but is slower.) Initial clustering sieve value is 10 frames. Only non-sieved frames will be used to calc within-cluster average. Cluster # vs time will be written to cnumvtime.dat Cluster pop vs time will be written to cpopvtime.agr (normalized by frame) Pairwise distance data set is 'C0[PWD]' Cluster information will be written to info.dat Summary of cluster results will be written to summary.dat Representative frames will be chosen by closest distance to cluster centroid. Cluster representatives will be written to 1 traj (, format Amber NetCDF Cluster representatives will be written to separate trajectories, prefix (rep), format PDB Average structures for clusters will be written to Avg, format Amber Restart > run Warning: One or more analyses requested creation of default COORDS DataSet. CREATECRD: Saving coordinates from Top ATGonium_dry13.prmtop to "_DEFAULTCRD_" ---------- RUN BEGIN ------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER FILES (1 total): 0: ATGonium_dry13.prmtop, 103 atoms, 10 res, box: None, 1 mol INPUT TRAJECTORIES (1 total): 0: 'ATGonium_dry13.ann.traj' is an AMBER trajectory, Parm ATGonium_dry13.prmtop (reading 100 of 100) Coordinate processing will occur on 100 frames. BEGIN TRAJECTORY PROCESSING: ..................................................... ACTION SETUP FOR PARM 'ATGonium_dry13.prmtop' (1 actions): 0: [createcrd _DEFAULTCRD_] Estimated memory usage (100 frames): 123.624 kB ----- ATGonium_dry13.ann.traj (1-100, 1) ----- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 51% 61% 71% 81% 91% 100% Complete. Read 100 frames and processed 100 frames. TIME: Avg. throughput= 3706.5866 frames / second. ACTION OUTPUT: ANALYSIS: Performing 1 analyses: 0: [cluster C0 dbscan minpoints 25 epsilon 0.9 sievetoframe rms :1-10 sieve 10 out cnumvtime.dat summary summary.dat info info.dat cpopvtime cpopvtime.agr normframe repout rep repfmt pdb singlerepout singlerepfmt netcdf avgout Avg avgfmt restart] Starting clustering. Mask [:1-10] corresponds to 103 atoms. Estimated pair-wise matrix memory usage: > 0.244 kB Pair-wise matrix set up with sieve, 100 frames, 10 sieved frames. Calculating pair-wise distances. 0% 11% 22% 33% 44% 56% 67% 78% 89% Complete. Memory used by pair-wise matrix and other cluster data: 0.732 kB 0% 11% 22% 33% 44% 56% 67% 78% 89% 100% Complete. No clusters found. Cluster timing data: TIME: Cluster Init. : 0.0000 s ( 0.34%) TIME: Pairwise Calc.: 0.0002 s ( 66.78%) TIME: Clustering : 0.0000 s ( 7.80%) TIME: Cluster Post. : 0.0000 s ( 0.68%) TIME: Cluster renumbering/sieve restore 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Find best rep. 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Info calc 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Summary calc 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Coordinate writes 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Total: 0.0003 s TIME: Analyses took 0.0004 seconds. DATASETS (3 total): _DEFAULTCRD_ "_DEFAULTCRD_" (coordinates), size is 100 (123.624 kB) 103 atoms C0 "C0" (integer), size is 0 C0[PWD] "C0[PWD]" (cluster matrix), size is 45 DATAFILES (2 total): cnumvtime.dat (Standard Data File): C0 cpopvtime.agr (Grace File): Warning: Set 'C0' contains no data. Warning: File 'cnumvtime.dat' has no sets containing data. Warning: File 'cpopvtime.agr' has no sets containing data. RUN TIMING: TIME: Init : 0.0001 s ( 0.35%) TIME: Trajectory Process : 0.0270 s ( 97.35%) TIME: Action Post : 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Analysis : 0.0004 s ( 1.27%) TIME: Data File Write : 0.0000 s ( 0.15%) TIME: Other : 0.0002 s ( 0.01%) TIME: Run Total 0.0277 s ---------- RUN END ---------------------------------------------------