[AMBER] Single Point Calculation on trajectory

From: Raimon Fabregat <raimon.fabregat.epfl.ch>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 15:12:50 +0200

Dear all,

I am trying to perform a Single Point Calculation (SPC) (to compute the
potential energy) of a series of molecular configurations stored in a
trajectory file.

To do that I am doing a geometry optimization with 0 steps in each
structure, but I am not sure it is working. The input file I am using is:


        imin   = 5,
        maxcyc = 0,
        cut = 999.0,     ! The system is just an isolated molecule
        rgbmax = 999.0,
        ifqnt = 1
        qmcut = 9999.9,
        qmmask = '@*',
        qmcharge = 0,
        qm_theory = PM6-DH+,
        qmshake = 1,
      &wt type='END'

To check that this is indeed doing what I want, I applied it to a
trajectory generated with the same potential energy function, using the
following input file:

    nstlim=200, dt=0.001,
    irest=0, ntt=3, gamma_ln=1.0,
    temp0=300, ig=963,
    ntc=2, ntf=2, nscm=100,
    ntb=0, igb=0,
    cut=999.0, rgbmax=999.0,
    ntpr=100, ntwx=100, ntwr=10000,
    qmcut = 9999.9,
    qmmask = '.*',
    qmcharge = 0,
    qm_theory = PM6-DH+,
    dftb_disper = 0,
    qmshake = 1,
  &wt type='END'

Which as I mentioned it has the same potential energy function. However,
the energies printed from the trajectory don't quite match the ones
computed using the SPC.

This is the remd.mdout.001 file were I get the energies from the simulation

      4.  RESULTS

  NSTEP =        0   TIME(PS) =       0.000  TEMP(K) =     0.00 PRESS
=     0.0
  Etot   =        55.8629  EKtot   =         0.0000  EPtot =        55.8629
  BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =         0.0000  DIHED =         0.0000
  1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS =        
  EELEC  =         0.0000  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT =        
  PM6ESCF=        55.8629
  TEMP0  =       300.0000  REPNUM  =              1  EXCHANGE#
=              0

  NMR restraints: Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
| RE_POSITION Moving by   0.041055  0.028284 -0.019654
NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found
   at write replica mytargettemp

  NSTEP =      100   TIME(PS) =       0.100  TEMP(K) =    55.15 PRESS
=     0.0
  Etot   =        60.8920  EKtot   =         5.5893  EPtot =        55.3027
  BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =         0.0000  DIHED =         0.0000
  1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS =        
  EELEC  =         0.0000  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT =        
  PM6ESCF=        55.3027
  TEMP0  =       300.0000  REPNUM  =              1  EXCHANGE#
=              1

  NMR restraints: Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
| RE_POSITION Moving by  -0.035491 -0.048501  0.026206
NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found
   at write replica mytargettemp

  NSTEP =      200   TIME(PS) =       0.200  TEMP(K) =    87.63 PRESS
=     0.0
  Etot   =        65.2281  EKtot   =         8.8813  EPtot =        56.3467
  BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =         0.0000  DIHED =         0.0000
  1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS =        
  EELEC  =         0.0000  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT =        
  PM6ESCF=        56.3467
  TEMP0  =       300.0000  REPNUM  =              1  EXCHANGE#
=              1

  NMR restraints: Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
| RE_POSITION Moving by   0.021387 -0.059176  0.025757
NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found
   at write replica mytargettemp

  NSTEP =      300   TIME(PS) =       0.300  TEMP(K) =   105.27 PRESS
=     0.0
  Etot   =        70.0486  EKtot   =        10.6692  EPtot =        59.3794
  BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =         0.0000  DIHED =         0.0000
  1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS =        
  EELEC  =         0.0000  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT =        
  PM6ESCF=        59.3794
  TEMP0  =       300.0000  REPNUM  =              1  EXCHANGE#
=              2

And this is the output from the SPC in the same first 3 structures from
the trajectory (corresponding to the previous output):

   4.  RESULTS

   Maximum number of minimization cycles reached.

                     FINAL RESULTS

    NSTEP       ENERGY          RMS            GMAX NAME    NUMBER
       1       5.5525E+01     7.3313E+00     1.9797E+01 C7         14

  BOND    =        0.0000  ANGLE   =        0.0000  DIHED =        0.0000
  VDWAALS =        0.0000  EEL     =        0.0000  HBOND =        0.0000
  1-4 VDW =        0.0000  1-4 EEL =        0.0000  RESTRAINT =       
  PM6ESCF =       55.5251
minimization completed, ENE= 0.55525091E+02 RMS= 0.733131E+01
minimizing coord set #     2

   Maximum number of minimization cycles reached.

                     FINAL RESULTS

    NSTEP       ENERGY          RMS            GMAX NAME    NUMBER
       1       5.6441E+01     7.4006E+00     2.0826E+01 C11        28

  BOND    =        0.0000  ANGLE   =        0.0000  DIHED =        0.0000
  VDWAALS =        0.0000  EEL     =        0.0000  HBOND =        0.0000
  1-4 VDW =        0.0000  1-4 EEL =        0.0000  RESTRAINT =       
  PM6ESCF =       56.4414
minimization completed, ENE= 0.56441442E+02 RMS= 0.740056E+01
minimizing coord set #     3

   Maximum number of minimization cycles reached.

                     FINAL RESULTS

    NSTEP       ENERGY          RMS            GMAX NAME    NUMBER
       1       5.9277E+01     9.9923E+00     4.2688E+01 C3          4

  BOND    =        0.0000  ANGLE   =        0.0000  DIHED =        0.0000
  VDWAALS =        0.0000  EEL     =        0.0000  HBOND =        0.0000
  1-4 VDW =        0.0000  1-4 EEL =        0.0000  RESTRAINT =       
  PM6ESCF =       59.2766
minimization completed, ENE= 0.59276627E+02 RMS= 0.999230E+01
minimizing coord set #     4

   Maximum number of minimization cycles reached.

The energies then are:

 From simulation            From SPC

55.5251           55.3027
56.4414           56.3467
59.2766           59.3794
63.4846           63.6437
63.5524           63.3793
63.1787           62.8946
65.2079           65.0181
74.7678           74.1447
67.0064           68.0420
70.3709           70.7692

They are very correlated, but still different. Does anybody know what is
going on???

Thanks a lot for your help, I deeply appreciate it!!

All the best,


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Received on Fri Jul 13 2018 - 06:30:02 PDT
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