[AMBER] How to solve the problem of molecule box jumping?

From: <g.bakrani.sci.ui.ac.ir>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 11:09:54 +0430

  Hello dear amber users,

  I have faced a problem with analysis of my simulations. The case is
a box with 7 34-residues peptides were placed in the octahedral box in
definite regular distances in X,Y and Z axis from each other in a 30Aº
spaced grid (one molecule in the center and others around it in
different axis).All steps were done by amber14,ambertools15 and ff14SB
force field. I want to analyze the association of these peptides but
in visualization part with VMD , the problem occurs; box jumping. 2
molecules go out from one side of the box and return to from other
side. It seems autoimage and center commands do not work here.

  Parm X.prmtop

  trajin X.mdcrd

  center :1-238 mass origin

  image origin center familiar

  Also I tried all commands in the mailing list like:

    image familiar com :1-238

    [unwrap :1-238

  center :1-238 mass origin

  image origin center familiar]


  But it didn't work. I hope you can help me with this.
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Received on Sat Apr 21 2018 - 00:00:02 PDT
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