[AMBER] Aligning frames and printing pdb files

From: Christopher Warren <christopher.warren.phd.einstein.yu.edu>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 13:04:05 -0400

Hi all,

I ran a 1µs simulation of a short peptide interacting with a 206aa protein.
The protein has a stable "core" (residues 5-85 and 118-204) and some
flexible regions (1-4, 86-117, and 205-206). What I would like to do is use
cpptraj to go through my trajectory aligning the core of the protein, and
print a pdb file every 1ns, so that my output would be 1000 pdb files with
the core of the protein in the same position. I plan to then use these 1000
pdb files to map the average position of the peptide around the core of the
protein in another program. I have previously aligned the core of this
protein to a reference .rst file to do RMSD calculations using this command:

parm A_solvated.prmtop
trajin A_centered.mdcrd
reference A.rst
rms ToMember1 :5-85,118-204&!.H= reference out A_RMSDtoRef.out

So I'm guessing the alignment procedure would look similar? Also my
trajectory was written in 10ps steps, so I'd like to basically print every
100th step as a pdb file after alignment. Any advice would be helpful.


Christopher Warren
PhD Candidate
Lab of David Shechter
Department of Biochemistry
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 19 2018 - 10:30:02 PDT
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