Re: [AMBER] Simple normal mode analysis in amber

From: <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 09:49:05 +0200 (CEST)

Dear David,

Thank you for your answer, that was already really helpful!

> Amber doesn't compute reduced masses for normal modes. I guess you
> would have to write a script yourself to do this: the masses are in the
> prmtop file, and the eigenvectors are in the vecs file.

> Note that cpptraj can read in eigenvector files and work with them.
> Perhaps that might do what you really want. That is, why do you want to
> get the reduced mass? (One reason we don't compute these is that I've
> never needed it, and no one else has ever requested it, as far as I can

I need the reduced mass for the low-energy vibrational modes (together with the frequencies and the displacement vectors) in order to apply this method: "Determining Key Local Vibrations in the Relaxation of Molecular Spin Qubits and Single-Molecule Magnets" (
For a non-paywalled short live slides presentation (< 4 minutes) of the paper:

This is precisely what I aim to do at the present moment: to determine the key local vibration in the relaxation of a metallopeptide-based molecular spin qubit. Actually, the technique itself does not have much to do with relaxation or qubits, it's simply to relate vibrations with energy differences: what vibration is affecting most intensely a given transition.

I'm new to the computational chemistry world, and it's been a nice surprise to get such helpful comments. Thanks again :)


Lorena E. Rosaleny Peralvo, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher
Telf.  +0034 963 544 418
Instituto de Ciencia Molecular
Universitat de València
c/ Catedrático José Beltrán Martínez nº 2
46980 Paterna (València)
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 19 2018 - 01:00:02 PDT
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