From: Thakur, Abhishek <axt651.miami.edu>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 22:23:49 +0000

Hi I am trying to use MCPB to create the input file for Gaussian, but I am getting following error.

Earlier I have worked on it but it was not a problem.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nethome/axt651/apps/amber14/bin/MCPB.py", line 46, in <module>
    from mcpb.gene_model_files import get_ms_resnames, gene_model_files
  File "/nethome/axt651/apps/amber14/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mcpb/gene_model_files.py", line 7, in <module>
    from pymsmtmol.readpdb import get_atominfo_fpdb, writepdbatm
  File "/nethome/axt651/apps/amber14/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymsmtmol/readpdb.py", line 5, in <module>
    from pymsmtmol.mol import Atom, Residue, Molecule
  File "/nethome/axt651/apps/amber14/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymsmtmol/mol.py", line 2, in <module>
    from pymsmtmol.element import resnamel
  File "/nethome/axt651/apps/amber14/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymsmtmol/element.py", line 4, in <module>
    from chemistry.periodic_table import AtomicNum
ImportError: No module named chemistry.periodic_table

MCPB.py -i NEP.in -s 1

my inputfile is
original_pdb NEP_H.pdb
group_name NEP
cut_off 2.8
ion_ids 11049
software_version g09
ion_mol2files ZN.mol2
naa_mol2files UNK.mol2
frcmod_files UNK.frcmod

But when I use MCPB

MCPB -i NEP.in -s 1

It gives me a MCPB.log file

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: readInputFile ###
 ### Message: Commands read:
original_pdb NEP_H.pdb
group_name NEP
cut_off 2.8
ion_ids 11049
software_version g09
ion_mol2files ZN.mol2
naa_mol2files UNK.mol2
frcmod_files UNK.frcmod

 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ ###
 ### Function: elementParser ###
 ### Message: Reading XML with TINYXML
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: elementParser ###
 ### Message: Reading /nethome/axt651/apps/amber14/dat/mtkpp/elements.xml
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: original_pdb
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "original_pdb"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: group_name
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "group_name"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: cut_off
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "cut_off"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: ion_ids
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "ion_ids"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: software_version
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "software_version"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: ion_mol2files
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "ion_mol2files"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: naa_mol2files
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "naa_mol2files"
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Info ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: frcmod_files
 ### ### ### ###

 ### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
 ### Function: MCPB ###
 ### Message: Unknown command: "frcmod_files"
 ### ### ### ###

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Received on Thu Jan 18 2018 - 14:30:02 PST
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