[AMBER] The paramters of frcmod.chcl3

From: Yang Jinpeng <1507110130.csu.edu.cn>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 11:25:50 +0800

Dear Proffessor:
        My version of Amber is 14, There are many frcmod. files in /amber14/dat/leap/parm/. For example, frcmod.chcl3, frcmod.meoh and so on. If I use the parameters of frcmod.chcl3 for CHCL3, How should I quote references? In others words, Where do these paramters of frcmod.chcl3 come from?
        Thanks in advance, Your any reply will help me a lot.

All the regards,
Yang Jinpeng
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Dec 06 2017 - 19:30:05 PST
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