On Wed, Dec 06, 2017, Andreas Tosstorff wrote:
> I am trying to install H++ locally. The program requires the Amber
> program called "Protonate" which apparently is not included in
> AmberTools 16. Can you suggest how to work around this problem? Can I
> get ahold of the protonate files and use them with the AmberTools 16
> install? Should I install AmberTools 15 on top of 16? Or does it only
> come with the full Amber MD program?
It's there in AmberTools17 (or AmberTools16), just not built by default. Do
cd $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/src/protonate
make install
...good luck....dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Dec 06 2017 - 11:30:02 PST