From: Ray Luo <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2017 13:29:41 -0800

Could you email me off the list or look into the mdout file of sander
for the first input file? Do you see any message printed before it

You are not supposed to use the second input as you have dummy atom types ...

Ray Luo, Ph.D.
Professor of Structural Biology/Biochemistry/Biophysics,
Chemical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3900
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 7:06 AM, Urszula Uciechowska
<> wrote:
>> So do you see any error message in the sander output when running with
>> the first input, which is recommended?
> Yes after 50minutes of calculations the error is:
> amber16/bin/sander failed with prmtop!
>> When you use the second input, you implicitly used radiopt=1, which
>> asks the program to assign radii for all atoms. However it apparently
>> doesn't know anything about D1/DU, so you saw the error message.
> After using second input: the error message is: PB Bomb in pb_aaradi(): No
> radius assigned for
> atom
> 2735  D1    DU
> How can I fix this problem, in previous versions AMBER10 and 11 I did not
> have this error while running mmpbsa.
> best
> Urszula
>> All the best,
>> Ray
>> --
>> Ray Luo, Ph.D.
>> Professor of Structural Biology/Biochemistry/Biophysics,
>> Chemical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering
>> Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
>> University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3900
>> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Urszula Uciechowska
>> <> wrote:
>>> Dear Amber users,
>>> While running (AMBER16) I am getting an error message after 50
>>> min of calculations that
>>> amber16/bin/sander failed with prmtop!
>>> My complex contains Zn atom for which I used Cationic Dummy Atom (CaDA)
>>> approach.
>>> My input for MMPBSA is:
>>> &general
>>> startframe=1, endframe=1000, interval=1,
>>> verbose=2, keep_files=0,
>>> /
>>> &pb inp=1, radiopt=0,
>>> /
>>> If i use as a input file:
>>> &general
>>> startframe=1, endframe=1000, interval=1,
>>> verbose=2, keep_files=0,
>>> /
>>> &pb
>>> /
>>> The error message is: PB Bomb in pb_aaradi(): No radius assigned for
>>> atom
>>> 2735  D1    DU
>>> I went through the previous user lists messages, but there is no clear
>>> answers that I could find.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>>> best
>>> Urszula
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> Urszula Uciechowska PhD
>>> University of Gdansk and Medical Univesity of Gdansk
>>> Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
>>> ul. Abrahama 58
>>> 80-307 Gdańsk
>>> Poland
>>> -----------------------------------------
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> Urszula Uciechowska PhD
> University of Gdansk and Medical Univesity of Gdansk
> Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
> ul. Abrahama 58
> 80-307 Gdańsk
> Poland
> -----------------------------------------
> Ta wiadomość została wysłana z serwera Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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Received on Thu Nov 09 2017 - 14:00:03 PST
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