[AMBER] Independent MD runs

From: colvin <colvin4367.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2017 11:11:19 +0800

Dear all.

I would like to know if I run a 20ns MD simulation and save the trajectory
every 1ns, and so I have 20 separate trajectories (each is 1ns). Are these
20 trajectories consider as independent MD run?

Second scenario:

If I extracted several structures from a single 20ns trajectory (say
structure at 5ns and 10ns) and use these structures to run another two 20ns
MD simulations (same parameter and setting as the previous 20ns
simulations), are these two 20ns simulations using structure at 5ns and
10ns as starting structure consider as independent MD run?

If not, what should I do to run an independent MD run?

Thank you!
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Received on Wed Oct 04 2017 - 20:30:01 PDT
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