[AMBER] problem with cpptraj saving the average structure

From: Ramin Salimi <ramin.salimi01.utrgv.edu>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 10:07:21 +0000

Dear All

I am trying to diagonalize my mass-weighted covariance matrix with the following script in cpptraj:

 parm strip.49.0.mbondi3.prmtop
 trajin strippedtraj.49.0.crd
 rms first :1-24&!.H=
 average crdset 49.0.average
 readdata 49.0.average
 rms ref 49.0.average :1-24&!.H=
 matrix mwcovar name 49.0.mwcvmat :1-24&!.H= out mwcvmat.49.0.dat
 createcrd 49.0.trajectories
 runanalysis diagmatrix 49.0.mwcvmat out evecs.49.0.dat vecs 20 name myEvecs.49.0 nmwiz nmwizvecs 20 nmwizfile dna.49.0.nmd nmwizmask :1-24&!.H= thermo outthermo thermo.49.0.dat temp 300.0

But I get the following error:

Read 2000 frames and processed 2000 frames.
TIME: Trajectory processing: 0.9064 s
TIME: Avg. throughput= 2206.5362 frames / second.

    AVERAGE: [crdset 49.0.average]
    Writing 'crdset' as Amber Trajectory
  'crdset' is an AMBER trajectory, Parm strip.49.0.mbondi3.prmtop: Writing 2000 frames (1-Last, 1)

  1 data set:
    RMSD_00000 "RMSD_00000" (double, rms), size is 2000
---------- RUN END ---------------------------------------------------
  [readdata 49.0.average]
Error: File '49.0.average' does not exist.
Error: Could not read data file.
    1 errors encountered reading input.
TIME: Total execution time: 0.9140 seconds.

Why can't it save the average structure to use it as the reference for the next rms? I tried different ways of writing this script but all failed.

I would appreciate if someone shares some insight on how to change it.
Best Regards

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Received on Mon Jul 10 2017 - 03:30:02 PDT
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