[AMBER] Error with 'surf' and acetonitrile-water solvent mixture

From: Marcel Passon <passonmarcel.web.de>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 10:21:32 +0200

   Dear Amber users,

   I’m still not quite familiar with using CPPTRAJ. So I tried to calculate the
   overall SASA of a protein that I’ve simulated in a solvent-mixture of
   acetonitrile and water with the ‘surf’ command. Strangely, at the beginning
   of the trajectory, the output gave very low areas, that increased to the end
   from 1125 to 14488 (in VMD, the protein doesn’t seem to unfold or change its
   conformation notably). Could this be because the acetonitrile molecules
   aren’t recognized as solvent (when I did the same in pure water as solvent,
   the values remained quite similar)?

   In my fileshare link you can get the first frame of my trajectory, its
   parameter file as well as the ‘surf’ output file for the simulation in the
   solvent mixture (surfACE.dat) and in pure water (surf.dat):


   Thank you very much for your help!


   1. http://jmp.sh/b/qmIfZACyYNMwuTqsT6wJ
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Received on Thu Apr 27 2017 - 01:30:03 PDT
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