[AMBER] Split a Large trajectory into smaller trajectory

From: Vishal Nemaysh <vishal.bioinfotech.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2017 10:00:33 +0530

Hello Amber Users,

How can I split my large *100 ns* run file *.mdcrd i*n to* 80 ns .mdcrd*
file. I want to take only up to 80ns file. How can I resolve this ?

Thanking You,


*Vishal Nemaysh, PhD*
*Neuropharmaceutical Chemistry Group,*
*Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research,*
*University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, INDIA*
*Email: vishal.bioinfotech.gmail.com <vishal.bioinfotech.gmail.com>*
*LinkedIn: vishalnemaysh.hotmail.com <vishalnemaysh.hotmail.com>*
*Mobile: 91+8447581401, 91+9650736653*
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Received on Tue Mar 28 2017 - 22:00:03 PDT
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