A NPT simulation for common production-level simulations &cntrl imin=0, ! No minimization irest=1, ! This IS a restart of an old MD simulation ntx=5, ! So our inpcrd file has velocities ! Temperature control ntt=3, ! Langevin dynamics gamma_ln=1.0, ! Friction coefficient (ps^-1) temp0=310, ! Target temperature ig=-1, ! The random seed will be based on the current date and time, and hence will be different for every run ! Potential energy control cut=8.0, ! nonbonded cutoff, in Angstroms ntb=2, ! periodic boundary conditions for calculation of non-bonded interactions ! MD settings nstlim=500000, ! 500K steps, 1 ns total dt=0.002, ! time step (ps) ! SHAKE ntc=2, ! Constrain bonds containing hydrogen ntf=2, ! Do not calculate forces of bonds containing hydrogen tol=0.0000001, ! SHAKE tolerance ! Control how often information is printed ntpr=2500, ! Print energies every 2500 steps ntwx=2500, ! Print coordinates every 2500 steps to the trajectory ntwr=2500, ! Print a restart file every 2500 steps (can be less frequent) ntwe=2500, ! Pring energies and temperatures every 2500 to file "mden" ! ntwv=-1, ! Uncomment to also print velocities to trajectory ! ntwf=-1, ! Uncomment to also print forces to trajectory ntxo=1, ! Write Formatted (ASCII) ioutfm=0, ! Formatted ASCII trajectory ! Wrap coordinates when printing them to the same unit cell iwrap=1, ! Constant pressure control. Note that ntp=3 requires barostat=1 barostat=1, ! Berendsen... change to 2 for MC barostat ntp=2, ! 1=isotropic, 2=anisotropic, 3=semi-isotropic w/ surften pres0=1.0, ! Target external pressure, in bar taup=0.5, ! Berendsen coupling constant (ps) ! Constant surface tension (needed for semi-isotropic scaling). Uncomment ! for this feature. csurften must be nonzero if ntp=3 above ! csurften=3, ! Interfaces in 1=yz plane, 2=xz plane, 3=xy plane ! gamma_ten=0.0, ! Surface tension (dyne/cm). 0 gives pure semi-iso scaling ! ninterface=2, ! Number of interfaces (2 for bilayer) ! Set water atom/residue names for SETTLE recognition watnam='WAT', ! Water residues are named WAT owtnm='O', ! Water oxygens are named O / / &ewald skinnb=5, ! Increase skinnb to avoid skinnb errors /