molecule m; float x[990], fret; m = getpdb( "FGrph-5hex_Reparam.pdb"); readparm( m, "FGrph-5hex_Reparam.prmtop" ); mm_options( "cut=999.0, ntpr=50" ); setxyz_from_mol(m, NULL, x); mme_init( m, NULL, "::ZZZ", x, NULL); //conjugate gradient minimization conjgrad(x, 3*m.natoms, fret, mme, 0.001, 0.0001, 30000); //Newton-Raphson minimization mm_options( "ntpr=10" ); newton( x, 3*m.natoms, fret, mme, mme2, 0.00000001, 0.0, 500 ); //Output minimized structure setmol_from_xyz( m, NULL, x); putpdb( "FGrph-5hex_Reparam_min.pdb", m ); //get the normal modes: nmode( x, 3*m.natoms, mme2, 990, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0); // // nab // ./a.out > freq.txt // eigenvectors are stored in vecs file and also reduced masses and information about frequencies and minimization is stored in freq.txt