[AMBER] Bug report for pdb4amber code (amber16)

From: Yusuf Simsek <simsek.ualberta.ca>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 15:37:17 -0600

Dear AMBER developers,

I would like to report a bug in pdb4amber code (AmberTools16)

Bug is related to finding gaps between consecutive C-alpha atoms in

File: pdp4amber
Location: { amber16/AmberTools/src/amberlite/pdb4amber05/pdb4amber }
or { amber16/bin/pdb4amber }

Function Name: def find_gaps(recordlist):

Function Line Number: 694

  for i in range(nca-1):
    if is_ter(ca_atoms[i]):
    ca1 = recordlist[ca_atoms[i]]
    ca2 = recordlist[ca_atoms[i+1]]
    dx = float(ca1[11]) - float(ca2[11])
    dy = float(ca1[12]) - float(ca2[12])
    dz = float(ca2[13]) - float(ca2[13]) <---- Error (line number 725)
    gap = sqrt(dx*dx +dy*dy +dz*dz)

Both elements of subtraction are written as c2[13], one of them should be

float(ca2[13]) - float(ca2[13]) --> produce 0.0 value everytime.

dz = float(ca2[13]) - float(ca2[13]) should be like dz = float(ca1[13]) -


Yusuf Simsek

Department of Chemistry
University of Alberta
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 07 2016 - 15:00:03 PDT
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