[AMBER] Problems about creating ligand leap input files

From: ¿µÄþ <sherry.k_007.sjtu.edu.cn>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 11:37:20 +0800 (CST)

Dear Amber users:

I'm trying to create ligand leap input files for MD, and I got two problems.

1.When I used "reduce" to add hydrogen to ligand, "reduce" didn't work.
Here was the output showed on terminal:

Database of HETATM connections: "/export/apps/amber14/dat/reduce_wwPDB_het_dict.txt"
VDW dot density = 16/A^2
Orientation penalty scale = 1 (100%)
Eliminate contacts within 3 bonds.
Ignore atoms with |occupancy| <= 0.01 during adjustments.
Waters ignored if B-Factor >= 40 or |occupancy| < 0.66
Aromatic rings in amino acids accept hydrogen bonds.
Building or keeping OH & SH Hydrogens.
Rotating NH3 Hydrogens.
Processing Met methyls.
Found 0 hydrogens (0 hets)
Standardized 0 hydrogens (0 hets)
Added 0 hydrogens (0 hets)
Removed 0 hydrogens (0 hets)

The ligand file please see attachment.

2.To solve above problem, I used other software to add hydrogen, and created the lib file and frcmod file.
And then I loaded these parameter files in tleap, everything was OK.
But when I loaded protein-ligand complex in tleap, terminal showed as following:

> cdc-zcl = loadpdb Cdc42-GDP-ZCL278-MG.pdb
Loading PDB file: ./Cdc42-GDP-ZCL278-MG.pdb
 (starting new molecule for chain )
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<CVAL 189>.A<OXT 17>
Created a new atom named: CL1 within residue: .R<ZCL 192>
Created a new atom named: BR1 within residue: .R<ZCL 192>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<ZCL 192>.A<Br1 32>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<ZCL 192>.A<Cl1 28>
  total atoms in file: 1540
  Leap added 1535 missing atoms according to residue templates:
       3 Heavy
       1532 H / lone pairs
  The file contained 2 atoms not in residue templates

Cl and Br are common in molecule, so why can't tleap identify these two molecule?

Thanks for the help!

Kang Ning
School of Pharmacy
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

AMBER mailing list

Received on Sun Sep 11 2016 - 21:00:02 PDT
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