On Tue, Aug 09, 2016, mirko hennig wrote:
> Dear allI've been trying to install AmberTools15 & Amber14 on a
> MacBook Pro (OS X 10.11.6).When I try to execute either ./configure
> -macAccelerate clangor./configure -macAccelerate gnu(also w/ and w/o the
> -macAccelerate)
> I'm invariably left in this endless loop:
Why do you describe this as an "endless loop"? It sounds like the netcdf
installation is failing, and then configure stops. Is that not correct?
What does "clang -v" or "gcc -v" report?
> the corresponding lot file is not very informative:
Can you post the entire log file (as an attachment)? What you provided looks
just like the top of the log file, and doesn't report any problems.
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Received on Tue Aug 09 2016 - 05:30:04 PDT