Re: [AMBER] InVacuoWithDielc

From: David A Case <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 08:51:01 -0600

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016, JAIME RUBIO MARTINEZ wrote:
> I am trying to study a peptide in vacuum, but with a dielectric constant
> (different solvents )
> However the two options that I tested produce different results .

dielc is ignored when igb>0. (You should run some test calculations to
confirm/refute this.)

> What is the right one ?

Neither. First, because different solvents differ in more than just the
dielectric. Second, because the peptide/protein atomic charges for Amber
have been developed for water solvation. These charges would not be the same
in different solvents.

The calculations you propose should only be used for very qualitiative

...good luck....dac

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Received on Sat Jul 30 2016 - 08:00:04 PDT
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