I am encountering an oddity in attempting to do multiple serial cpptraj
jobs on a given node. The problem is either inherent to my script
choices or inherent to cppraj. I feel relatively confident the script is
right (he said before falling)...such that I am wondering if there is an
element to summoning cpptraj that I do not understand. I know some
softwares have locking mechanisms to prevent multiple serial spawns.
My script contents are as follows:
cd Run_1
cp ../analysis.ptraj ./
aprun -n 1 cpptraj -i analysis.ptraj &
cd ../
cd Run_2
cp ../analysis.ptraj ./
aprun -n 1 cpptraj -i analysis.ptraj &
I have modified this slightly; it actually goes over 16 jobs to use a
full node, but you get the picture. When I examine my files associated
with the jobs, /nominally/ 16 jobs have started in that the job record
[1] job ID #
[2] job ID #
But the actual execution of the task of analysis.ptraj is done
sequentially, directory by directory, rather than simultaneously.
Dr. Robert Molt Jr.
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sat Jan 16 2016 - 09:00:03 PST