[AMBER] Errors during Building Sidechain Model(MCPB program)

From: 王远强 <wangyqnn.cqut.edu.cn>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 12:38:31 +0800

Dear Amber members,
     I have created metal ion force field(containing two CU)successfully. This time, I need to build force field with three copper ions. During the Building Sidechain Model‍ step,following errors:‍happened (about the second CU):
     If I repleace the Cu with Zn in the protein, the MCPB can work perfectly. The attachments are original files (including pdb with Cu or Zn), please check.
     I am look forword to your reply.

 1.### ### ### ###
 ### MTK++ Error ###
### Function: connections::assignStdAngles ###
 ### Message: Please assign angles before assigning MM parameters for molecule: CU‍
 ### ### ### ###‍

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Received on Wed Jan 06 2016 - 21:00:03 PST
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