#%Module1.0############################################## # Manually add here dependencies and conflicts # this is the prefix path, and should be set properly: set prefix "/home/sanjib/PLUMED/install" # this is the extension for dynamic libraries # if set to empty, switches off plumed library set soext "so" # this is the name of the plumed program # it is usually plumed set progname "plumed" # everything past this line should not need any editing proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr "Adds paths for Plumed" } module-whatis "Adds paths for Plumed" # execution path prepend-path PATH $prefix/bin # include path prepend-path CPATH $prefix/include/ prepend-path INCLUDE $prefix/include/ # paths for libraries are only set if plumed is compiled as a dynamic library if { [ string length $soext ] != 0 } { # this is checking if PLUMED_KERNEL is already set if { [module-info mode load] && [ info exists ::env(PLUMED_KERNEL) ] } { puts stderr "WARNING: PLUMED_KERNEL variable was already set, you are now overriding it" puts stderr " (typically means that you are loading two plumed modules, both defining dynamic libraries)" } # library path prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH $prefix/lib/ prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $prefix/lib/ prepend-path DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH $prefix/lib/ setenv PLUMED_KERNEL $prefix/lib/lib${progname}Kernel.$soext }