[AMBER] Using setbox command to prepare files for Umbrella Sampling

From: George Green <soyo.green.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 20:28:45 +0100


I am trying to set up an umbrella sampling analysis of a drug entering a
protein. I already have an imaged and rms fitted trajectory file that shows
the binding process and intend to strip suitable frames ~0.4 angstroms

As the desolvation process during the binding event is important, I would
prefer to use all the waters from the initial file.

So to setup the simulations in every umbrella sampling window, I stripped
out the pdb waters and ran the following tleap script:

source leaprc.gaff
source leaprc.ff99SBnmr
loadAmberParams frcmod.tip4pew
loadoff doc_final.lib
mol = loadpdb frame5_tryUS.pdb
charge mol
setBox vdw {79.406 69.278 64.074}
savepdb mol frame5_complex_SOLVATED.pdb
saveamberparm mol frame5_complex.parm frame5_complex.crd
charge mol

The questions I had were:
1) If i use setbox vdw to recreate the box around all the solvent atoms, do
I use "Total vdw box size:" as input to recreate the original values?

2) The setbox command I have above do not seem to add the box simensions
at the end of the inpcrd file and i have to add these manually. This works
fine for minimisation, but fails during equilibration as ifbox=0. I guess
this is a setting in the parm file? Could anyone help me with the correct
command to this?

Many thanks
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Aug 21 2014 - 12:30:02 PDT
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