Dear Amber users,
I did not understand mapfile generated by nativecontacts command in cpptraj
of amber14. Can someone explain me?
I used the following command to calculate the native contacts between mask1
and mask2 with respect to reference structure.
"nativecontacts mask1 mask2 reference distance 6.0 byresidue out
contacts.out writecontacts native_list.out map mapout mapfile6.dat"
The mapfile has 3 column in which 1st column and 2nd column represents mask
residues. What does the third column indicate?
A portion of map output file is given below
202.000 147.000 0.0000
203.000 147.000 -0.0001
204.000 147.000 -2.7229
205.000 147.000 -12.7986
206.000 147.000 -46.0464
207.000 147.000 0.1499
208.000 147.000 -3.3104
Rajeswari A,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 15 2014 - 05:00:03 PDT