Re: [AMBER] Corresponding PDB and snapshot PDB

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 09:50:37 -0400

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Soumendranath Bhakat <> wrote:

> Hii;
> So as per cpptraj script if I use this script I will get a stripped topoly
> which corresponds to stripped .mdcrd
> trajin md2.mdcrd
> autoimage
> strip :WAT,Na+ outprefix stripped
> trajout md2_dry.mdcrd
> Is ther any quick ptraj or cpptraj script which will generate a
> corresponding pdb as well as topoloy which will correspond to the same
> stripped co-ordinate?
> Also say for example because of internet connection issue sometimes taking
> snapshots by transferring coordinate becomes a problem. Any script which
> will help in taking snapshot at a particular time. Say for example I ran a
> 50 ns MD and I want a corresponding PDB which denotes at the point of 30 ns
> any script for that.

​In addition to Dave's comments, you can add a single line to do this:

trajin md2.mdcrd
strip :WAT,Na+ outprefix stripped
outtraj snapshot.pdb onlyframes 30000
trajout md2_dry.mdcrd

Notice the "outtraj" command. This will dump a PDB file from just the
30,000th frame of your trajectory. This would be correct if you wrote a
snapshot every 1 ps and you read all 50 ns of simulation into the same
cpptraj session. Adjust it accordingly to what you are trying to do.


Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Apr 27 2014 - 07:00:02 PDT
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