Re: [AMBER] Corresponding dry trajectory and PDB

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 07:32:01 -0400

On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 03:45 -0700, Soumendranath Bhakat wrote:
> Dear Amberists;
> Just a query
> I ams stripping water and counter ions from a trajectory
> trajin md100.mdcrd
> center :1-154
> image center familiar
> strip :WAT
> strip :Cl-
> trajout wt1mg_dry.crd
> go
> I think to generate a corresponding PDB for MD to visualise the trajectory
> the input is
> trajin md100.mdcrd
> trajout stripped_pdb.pdb
> strip :WAT
> strip :Cl-
> To generate correponding .top file I think I need to process in tleap like
> that
> mol = loadpdb strip_pdb.pdb
> saveAmberParm mol strip_pdb.rst
> quit
> I think I am going right. I found that sometimes during visualisation the
> corresponding PDB and topology creates problem which has been highlighted
> in this thread
> Please confirm me if I am going in a right direction or not as it is
> crucial for visualisation of the trajectory.

There is an easier way to do this now with cpptraj, and you can generate
a topology file for visualization in the same step:

trajin md100.mdcrd
strip :WAT,Cl- outprefix stripped
trajout wt1mg_dry.mdcrd

This does basically the same thing your first script did (only a little
more reliably). The "outprefix" command will create a new topology file
called stripped_<original.prmtop> where <original.prmtop> is the
original topology file you used.

There is no need to go back through tleap.


Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 24 2014 - 05:00:02 PDT
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