[AMBER] Possible bug in xleap

From: Ilias Patmanidis <patmanidis.ilias.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:10:11 +0100

Dear AMBER users,

I was using xleap to generate topology and coordinate files for a specific

>source leaprc.ff12SB
>loadamberparams frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p
>test = loadPDB test.pdb
>addions test Na+ 2
>solvatebox test TIP3PBOX 10
>savePDB test test1.pdb
>saveamberparm test test.prmtop test.crd

Information about the vdw box size was missing from the end of the
generated test.crd.

This problem did not appear in tleap. The same commands gave a different
output with the vdw box size included in the end of the file.

Best regards,
Ilias Patmanidis

Ilias Patmanidis
University of Geneva, Switzerland
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 26 2014 - 08:30:03 PDT
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