[AMBER] error in creating topology file

From: Arunima Shilpi <writetoash28.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 12:49:16 +0530

Dear Sir

I am studying the protein-ligand interaction by MMPBSA in xLeap.
When the following command is executed it shows the following error

saveAmberParm LIG lig.top lig.crd

Fatal error: For atom .R<lig 1>.A<02 11>Could not find vdW (or other)
parameter type: 0.3

saveAmberParm receptor rec.top rec.crd

Fatal error: Fatal Atom .R<LYS 948>.A<H2 24> does not have type.

How to debug these error.


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Received on Thu Feb 27 2014 - 23:30:02 PST
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