[AMBER] Adaptive Biasing calculations

From: Geoffrey Gray <gmgray2.mail.usf.edu>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:21:06 -0500

I am currently attempting to run adaptive biasing calculations on several
torsions using Amber12. I tried running some tests using the examples
provided in the doc files, but while the dynamics ran, no information
regarding the biasing was printed. I used the following script:

Langevin dynamics
    imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5,
    ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0,
    ntc=2, ntf=2, dt = 0.002, nscm=0,
    nstlim=7500000, ig=-1, isgld=0,
    ntwe=0, ntwx=1000, ntpr=5000, ntwr = 1000000,
    ntb = 0, cut = 999.0, rgbmax=15.0,
    igb = 8, saltcon=0.150,ioutfm=1,
    tempi=300., temp0=300.,

    mode = FLOODING

    monitor_file = 'abmd.dat'
    monitor_freq = 500

    timescale = 1.0


        type = DISTANCE
        i = (2824,2826)
        min = 0. max = 10.
        resolution = 0.5

    end variable

end ncsu_abmd
&wt type='END'

I am currently using pmemd.cuda, but have also tried with pmemd.MPI and
gotten the same results. Thanks in advance for your help.

Geoffrey Gray
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 25 2014 - 13:30:05 PST
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