> I read all the mails that you send me. I tried all the suggestions that
> you advice me when I understand them and try to found a way to check the
> overlap with "checkoverlap" because it is not really explain in the
> manual. I am really sorry if you feel that I don't take time to read
(ptraj or cpptraj)
ptraj prmtop << EOF
trajin inpcrd
where prmtop is your prmtop and inpcrd is your initial set of
Also, when I do have overlaps, you can try one or two things...
(1) minimize w/ electrostatics effectively turned off
imin = 1, maxcyc = 2500, ncyc = 2500,
ntb = 2,
cut = 9.0,
nmropt = 1, ntpr = 50,
type = 'ELEC', value1 = 0.0,
type = 'END',
iat = 0,
(2) If lot's of overlapping atoms, try scaling the coordinates, then
increase the box size manually in restrt file and then run extensive
constant pressure MD to relax the system. To scale, I think the below
ptraj/cpptraj input would work (but cannot test since our machines are
down today). It would scale by multiplying each coordinate by 1.2
ptraj prmtop << EOF
trajin inpcrd
trajout inpcrd.scaled restrt
scale * x 1.2 y 1.2 z 1.2
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Received on Tue Feb 25 2014 - 10:00:07 PST